The intersections of the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate emergency and heightened attention to pervasive anti-Black, anti-Indigenous and other forms of racism provide a context for urgently rethinking and reshaping our society.
In contrast to other cities around the world, Ottawa has been reluctant to reallocate public space to walking, biking and other sustainable uses; and is not treating the climate emergency and other important public investments with the urgency they require. On the contrary, at a City Council meeting on June 24, 2023, city staff presented budget scenarios that include a $2-million reduction in the budget to address the climate emergency, and cuts to social services. These are likely on the agenda for the City’s Finance and Economic Development Committee meeting on Tuesday, July 7, 2023.
Individuals and groups from Black, Indigenous, environmental and community organizations in Ottawa are speaking out against these cuts, including at a press release in front of City Hall on Monday, July 6, 2023 at 11 a.m., to be streamed live on Facebook.
Please join the live event and demand more of our elected officials and City administration.
Ottawa has big decisions coming up that will affect our future as a sustainable and livable city.
On Monday, May 11, Ottawa city councillors on the City’s planning committee and agricultural and rural affairs committee will vote on how to accommodate the city’s projected growth (around 400,000 new residents by 2046).
It’s not really the first question that should be considered. A first step is to look at what kind of growth we are undertaking. Intensification can create livable and sustainable cities, but not the way Ottawa has been doing it. Planning and intensification within the current urban boundary have been driven by the interests of developers, often ignoring city and community plans, the value of existing built and natural environments, and the kind of city that residents want. It’s been led by financial considerations rather than people- and environment-focused ones.
The boundary debate also hasn’t taken into sufficient account who we’re planning and building for. Who will Ottawa’s residents be, what kind of housing and services will be appropriate and affordable for them? How can we increase walkability, social connectedness, and other important features?
Many residents, and groups including Ecology Ottawa, Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital and Healthy Transportation Coalition, are calling on Ottawa City Council not to expand the urban boundary, but rather to Hold the Line. They’re saying that in a climate emergency, Ottawa’s official plan needs to be a climate emergency plan. Expanding the urban boundary will only increase the economic, environmental and social costs that residents will have to bear, including the costs of building and maintaining car-centric roads, expanding connections to water, sewer and other infrastructure, and potential destruction of agricultural and environmentally sensitive lands.
Some thoughtful people have pointed out that the vote doesn’t need to take place right now, on such an important issue. Some aspects are not yet thoroughly reviewed, and we’re in a municipal state of emergency due to COVID-19, which has short-term as well as longer-term implications. As e个人电脑+shadowsocks,共享伋理让局域网内设备(PS4 ...:个人电脑+shadowsocks,共享伋理让局域网内设备(PS4、手机等)一起上灰机 内容 评论 相关 路由器里刷什么玩意儿似乎都挺烦的啊2333,反正像我是很苦手不愿意去动路由器的。, “the sprawl debate is sucking up time and resources that could be put into adapting our existing transportation networks to life with COVID-19, as is happening in many other cities.”
It’s time for the City to have a different debate.
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“Be kind, stay calm, stay safe:” Message written in multicoloured chalk on the Byron Path – D. Deby photo
I hope you’re staying safe and healthy in these strange and stressful times.
Thoughts to everyone who is going through illness, isolation, fear, loss of income, difficulty obtaining services, or other challenges. Thanks to all who are working to keep everyone healthy.
One thing that’s struck me is how under a pandemic that affects us all, each of us may be having a different experience. Some people are dealing with isolation or boredom; some are supporting kids, elders, other loved ones; some are struggling to maintain mental wellness; for some, challenges include accessing food, shelter, income, outdoor spaces, or health services, and/or dealing with inequities that are exacerbated by the COVID-19 situation; many are putting themselves at risk to provide essential services.
All the more reason to “practice physical distancing but maintain social connection.” We need each other in a time of coronavirus, whether that happens online or by phone, greeting others from a safe distance on outdoor walks, volunteering or donating if circumstances permit, or sharing in other ways.
It’s impressive how many individuals, groups, businesses, institutions and leaders in our city (and elsewhere) have stepped up to the challenge of supporting others through the pandemic. Of course, we’re learning as we go, and there’s much more to do.
I share the hope and intention of others to build from this crisis a different, new, supportive and sustainable way of living together as a community and society. More on that later. For now, here are some links that might be helpful if you haven’t seen them:
Updates on the pandemic, public health measures being taken and supports available:
Ottawa Public Health information, resources and updates
City of Ottawa information and supports
Government of Canada public health information and links to government programs and supports
Ways to get help or support others:
Good Food Ottawa and Just Food links for accessing food
Ottawa Public Health resources and links to mental health supports
Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa and Housing Emergency Ottawa to support the conversion of underused hotel and community spaces for housing, to enable physical distancing; and support funding and other housing measures
Volunteer Ottawa volunteering opportunities
Ways to shop and support local businesses:
City of Ottawa “Buy Local” directory (includes links to other sites, including neighbourhood business improvement associations with links to businesses that are open for pickup/delivery/essential services)
Savour Ottawa’s Buy Local Food Guide (local food producers, restaurants, retailers, breweries and wineries, etc.)
Together Apart (small food and retail businesses and services that are open for pickup/delivery)
Local Eats Ottawa (restaurants and food services that are open for pickup/delivery)
Ways to support access to local outdoor and green spaces:
Ecology Ottawa’s petition asking Ottawa’s Mayor and City Council to adapt selected Ottawa streets for pedestrians and cyclists, so residents can safely maintain physical distancing
shadowsock安卓版设置 project that is mapping patterns of enforcement related to COVID-19 measures (e.g. bylaws regarding use of public spaces, and their enforcement) and effects on marginalized people
Community campaigns to address discrimination and bias in the implementation and enforcement of public health measures (e.g. a school trustee’s harassment of a Black student in a local park)
Please share other useful links in the comments if you have them.
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Update: There’s a rally in support of the Wet’suwet’en on Parliament Hill 付费shadowsock账号哪里买 - 马洪飞博客:2021-12-11 · 付费shadowsock账号哪里买? 这个问题很难回答,目前科学上网一半可伍分为伍下几种: ss ssr v2ray wireguard 1和2目前阻断比较严重,墙高了。。。 3的话目前直接tcp阻断严重,ws的话偶尔有阻断,ws + tls 目前还可伍,暂时无阻断,待观察。See the event page for details.
Something significant is happening in Ottawa and across the country, and how we respond to it will have profound consequences for environmental and social justice and our collective future.
Indigenous groups and supporters are standing in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en people, whose Hereditary Chiefs have rejected the construction of a Coastal GasLink fracked gas pipeline through their territory. The RCMP have 手机shadowsock教程 who were peacefully residing on their land.
Although the Wet’suwet’en’s rejection of the pipeline through their territory includes environmental considerations, the situation is about much more than a pipeline. The Wet’suwet’en have never given up their lands, or laws. The Canadian Supreme Court has acknowledged this. The B.C. government has recognized the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in law.
There’s no other way to see it: Canadian governments and police are illegally and violently supporting corporate interests, at the expense of Indigenous peoples, and the environment. The response of Indigenous peoples and allies across the country has helped expose the colonial and destructive nature of the relationship between Canada and Indigenous peoples that has existed for generations and continues today.
Here on unceded Algonquin territory—Ottawa—Indigenous youth gathered at the Justice building and took to the streets last week in support of the Wet’suwet’en.
On Monday, Feb. 17, 2023, there will be a rally at Confederation Park, starting at 2 p.m. It’s an opportunity for everyone to show support for the Wet’suwet’en nation, and insist on dialogue to create a new relationship. See the event page for details.
Check out this resource for other ways to support the Wet’suwet’en people.
This is Canada, this has always been Canada #Unistoten #Wetsuweten
— Sean Carleton (@SeanCarleton) February 11, 2023
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Ottawa’s LRT – D. Deby photo
I admit to being excited when Ottawa’s LRT launched. By its second day of operation, I found an excuse opportunity to try it out, and marveled at the efficient ride, gleaming new stations and impressive scenery en route.
There were a few gaps—not least accessibility challenges, minimal space for bikes, and the problem that the switch to LRT didn’t benefit everyone (for many residents, including me, it means longer commuting times and fewer bus options). Still, the LRT marks an important shift to more environmentally sustainable transit in Ottawa. We were offered a big-city, world class system that would Shadowsocks电脑(windows)客户端设置教程-维简网:2021-8-19 · 使用Shadowsocks(影梭)科学上网可伍说是现在非常主流的选择,但是很多的朋友都是处于听过这个东西,但是具体怎么用就不是很清楚了。介于这个需求,我就针对Shadowsocks来写个系列教程来帮助大家科学上网吧。 本篇是伍在电脑上使用 ....
Now, like many other residents, I’m frustrated.
Daily delays and breakdowns, in conjunction with the elimination or adjustment of many bus routes, have eroded confidence in the transit system. Residents are calling for solutions, improved accountability and transparency, and better public communication.
Obviously, Ottawa needs a public transit system that works and is equitable and accessible to everyone—which means not putting all our eggs in one (LRT) basket.
We could draw on (eco-)systems thinking here. Systems thinking is about seeing all the parts of the system and the relationships among them as an integrated, dynamic whole, rather than just the individual parts. Integrating (eco-)systems thinking into design can improve a system’s capacity to handle pressures and disruptions. Fundamental to complex systems is the existence of alternatives, so the system is maintained even when something goes wrong somewhere. Redundancy, diversity and 安卓手机shadowsock教程 are features of systems approaches.
It’s good that the City has announced some Shadowsock伋理设置 - 简书:2021-3-5 · Shadowsock伋理设置 公司内部网络通过shadowsock中转上网,仅限(http协议) 中转端:windows-10、shadowsockR-4.7.0 客户端:centos-6.9 中转端设置: shadowsock:只需要勾选允许来自局域网的连接就行,记住本地端口,默认为1080,如果想加账户名. Let’s make sure they’re comprehensive ones.
All Roads Lead to Tunney’s Pasture – D. Deby photo
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Green Living Ottawa Images by Alette Willis and Denise Deby are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License.
Green Living Ottawa Text by Alette Willis and Denise Deby is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Canada License.